UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs - March 2024

Press coverage
Krautinvest (Germany)
CannaReporter (Portugal)
CannaReporter, 6 March 2024
CannaReporter (Portugal)
Benzinga (United States)
Sara Brittany Somerset, 26 January 2024
MarenKrings (Germany)
Krautinvest (Germany)
Möritz Foster, 1 April 2024
VolteFace (UK)
Oliver Callaghan, 28 February 2024
French version posted on Newsweed: "Une coalition internationale de patients participera à la 67e session de la CND"
NORML France
NORML France, 3 March 2024
Newsweed (France)
Le Haut Commissaire de l’ONU appelle à un changement radical de la politique mondiale en matière de drogues
Aurélien Bernard, 19 March 2024
European Cluster Collaboration Platform (EU)
67th Commission on Narcotic Drugs
The Cannabis Embassy coordinated a number of collective written contributions by non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the UN (ECOSOC special NGO status) in the margins of this year's 67th CND.
Official Written Statements
Written contributions to the Main Session of the 67th Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Cannabis for medical purposes:
Non-Discriminatory Access.
(MAPS & IACM patient council)
Article 2(9): Single Convention’s
Recreational Cannabis Law
(Fields of Green for ALL)
Shifting Perspectives on Novel & Traditional Drugs: Remarks around Rethinking Drug Control
Contributions to the High-Level Mid-term Review of the 2019–2029 UN drug strategy
All contributions can be accessed from the UNODC website for stakeholder contributions.
Questions to International Organizations during the 67th Commission
Updated soon.
Conference 1: 21 March, 9h (UN Vienna, room M7 & Online)
CND side-event #AandA: Access & Availability, from Palliative to Primary Care
Sponsor: ENCOD.
Co-sponsors: Ágora, FAAAT-Forum Drugs Mediterranean, Fields of Green for ALL, IACM patients council, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Veterans Action Council.
Delve into comprehensive discussions as we explore the critical aspects of access and availability in the realm of healthcare Join us in unraveling the complexities surrounding patient-access to internationally controlled drugs, and contribute to shaping a future where essential medicines are accessible to all. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative dialogue shaping the future of global health.

Conference 2: 21 March, 13h (UN Vienna, room M7 & Online)
CND side-event: Cannabis & Biopiracy
Sponsor: Fields of Green for ALL.
Co-sponsors: Ágora Mexico, ENCOD, FAAAT-Forum Drugs Mediterranean, IACM patients council, ICEERS Foundation, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Traditional and Natural Health Alliance, Umzimvubu Farmers Support Network, Veterans Action Council.
Biopiracy designates the illegitimate and/or illegal appropriation of genetic resources and/or associated traditional knowledge. Hemp (Cannabis L.), along with numerous other crop plants, is deeply ingrained in traditional knowledge systems and represents genetic resources possibly associated with the intellectual property rights of small-scale farmers. The economic potential of cannabis genetic resources makes it susceptible to biopiracy. In the context of the upcoming Diplomatic Conference to conclude a treaty on this topic, this side event will introduce biopiracy and explore how international legal controls impact conservation efforts for cannabis genetic resources and traditional knowledge.
Biopiracy designates the illegitimate and/or illegal appropriation of genetic resources and/or associated traditional knowledge. Hemp (Cannabis L.), along with numerous other crop plants, is deeply ingrained in traditional knowledge systems and represents genetic resources possibly associated with the intellectual property rights of small-scale farmers. The economic potential of cannabis genetic resources makes it susceptible to biopiracy. In the context of the upcoming Diplomatic Conference to conclude a treaty on this topic, this side event will introduce biopiracy and explore how international legal controls impact conservation efforts for cannabis genetic resources and traditional knowledge.
Side Event at the 67th Commission on Narcotic Drugs: Cannabis & Biopiracy
Thursday 21 March at 13h00 – 13h50 in Room M7.
Thursday 21 March at 13h00 – 13h50 in Room M7.
Conference 3: 22 March, 13h (Online)
Supported CND side-event: Coca leaf
Sponsor: Ágora Mexico.
Co-sponsors: ENCOD, FAAAT-Forum Drugs Mediterranean.
This consultation will feature presentations from three panelists followed by an interactive segment where attendees can share their perspectives on challenges, solutions, recommendations, and the way forward regarding the coca leaf policy in Latin America.